Bad bad bad
By Tinyguy89
Without the vets it’s not exciting the same a few people always get voted up. Do not waste your money on this.
Team Horacio 🧮
By jakethec@ke
Let’s go king bring it home
Season pass not working
By mulargiela
Been trying to buy the season pass for weeks and every time I do, I get an error message saying that the item is currently being modified and to try again later. We’re on episode 10 now so that’s how long it’s been a problem. Happens both on iTunes and the appletv app
spoiler in episode 8
By sameerKanafani
major editing error what a shame
Spoiler Alert
By FullyPressed
I love this show and I’m pretty frustrated that I PAID for the Season Pass and the end of the latest episode got spoiled right at the start because the extra footage with the exit interview for the eliminated competitor was put at the beginning of the episode. Get it together.
MTV? iTunes? Someone Spoiling Episodes
By Sixth Roman
The beginning of episode 8 just outright spoils the ending of the episode. Whose idiotic idea was that?
Episode 8 starts off with a SPOILER of who goes home
By OximusPrime
How are you going to post a new episode with who goes home 10 seconds into the episode?!!! That was a huge spoiler to start off. It’s supposed to be a surprise of which “Legend” they bring on the show
Ep 8 has a spoiler in the beginning!
By cloudcroozer
Ep 8 shows who gets eliminated at the VERY beginning!! Please fix this for future episodes. We don’t want to see who is eliminated before watching the episode.
I’m this good
By L jdbdj